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Exciting News! Our book designed to help those who are suffering from depression, addiction, anxiety, sickness, unforgiveness, suicidal thoughts or are being harassed by demonic spirits has just been published. To order a signed copy for yourself click on the bookshop tab for more details.

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Twas the season to be giving gifts!

Did you receive the perfect Christmas gift?  Paul reminds us that Jesus says, “It’s better to give than to receive.”  If you chose carefully what you believed to be the perfect gift and watched the delight on the receivers face when they unwrapped the gift you will know that there is great delight in giving…

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Life in the Midst of Death

The Bible tells us that death is our last enemy. If you’ve attended a funeral that uses the common prayer book you will have heard the words, “Man that is born of woman hath but a short time to live and is full of misery. He cometh up and is cut down like a flower….

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How many of you saw the movie “Titanic”? Do you remember the line, “God Himself could not sink this ship”? But sink it did, with 1500 people on board! The Bible tells us that we can shipwreck our faith. Paul writes about it to Timothy: Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in…

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Body, Soul, Spirit

There’s a great deal of talk nowadays about the body, soul and spirit in all kinds of areas from food through to health and wellbeing. A Christian may be excused for steering clear of such talk or misunderstanding the biblical definition. However, there is a great deal in scripture about this topic and so we…

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Strangers and Aliens

If you’ve ever travelled overseas, especially to a land that does not speak the same language as you, then you may have felt like an alien and a stranger. I have just returned from a three week holiday in Europe. I have a European Passport as well as an Aussie one but there were many…

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Christian Wilderness Survival

Scripture tells us in Acts 17:31 that history will reach a crescendo on that great day set by God when His appointed one, the Lord Jesus Christ, will judge the world. Scripture also tells us that there are conditions to be met before we can be judged worthy to receive the promised reward of eternal…

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Pentecost: Happy Birthday Church!

Do you get excited when your birthday comes? Maybe it all depends on how old you are whether or not you look forward to getting older. Whatever your age, it is good to celebrate with your family and receive gifts. This Sunday we celebrated Pentecost which is often referred to as the birthday of the…

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Spiritual Preparation

Were you a boy scout or a girl guide? If so, you would know their motto is “Be Prepared.” It’s a preparation of mind and body to succeed in certain disciplines. The Guide or Scout chooses a sport, activity or interest, and learns under the guidance of a supervisory leader. They are presented with the guidelines,…

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Cleansing the Temple

Have you noticed how many complete home renovation shows there have been on TV lately? First we had The Block, House Rules and now Reno Rumble. The Treasury Secretary John Fraser says that it’s evidence of a house price bubble. A house price bubble is caused when there is easy access to finance caused by…

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The Open Tomb

In the Northern hemisphere they are well into the Spring season and all of the flowers are now fully open. Did you know that’s why they named this month April? It’s from the Latin verb “aperio” which means to open. Even though it’s Autumn here, the opposite season, we can relate to the openness of…

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Good Friday:

Good Friday???  How can it be good?  What possesses believers to come together every year and celebrate the brutal slaying of Jesus Christ at the hands of an angry mob?  What happened to Jesus was not good but a great good came out of it.   Looking at the cross, it was clear that a crime had…

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Palm Sunday and God’s Plan

Our plans sometimes bring us into conflict with God’s plan. This clash between our reality and God’s reality also happened on Palm Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem. Read on to find out why this happens, and what we can learn from it.  Have you ever heard the saying, “The best laid plans of mice and men often…

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Union With Christ

In this season of Lent, many Christians are preparing themselves for Easter. Did you know that the word “Lent” comes from the Old English word Lencten, meaning spring?  Easter happens in springtime in the Northern hemisphere. Spring is also the favoured time for weddings all over the world. It’s not too hot or too cold and…

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Famous Last Words

Do you hope that your last words on this planet would have an impact on others left behind? Nostradamus predicted, “Tomorrow, at sunrise, I shall no longer be here” and that’s one prediction he got right! Blues guitarist Leadbelly said, as he was being prepped for surgery, “Doctor, if I put this here guitar down…

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